The Local Offer
The Local Offer is a guide to the services that are available in Coventry for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. This covers all ages from 0-25.
What can the Local Offer do for you?
There is lots of information available on the Local Offer. You can:
- find out about the types of education settings in the local area
- find out information about what social activities are going on
- you could find out about options that are available to you when you leave school, such as:
- Education
- Housing
- Money
How to leave feedback
Without feedback, the SEND Local Offer can't be developed, which is why it is really important to try and keep it as up-to-date as possible. If you have any feedback about:
- a broken link;
- if something isn't working quite right;
- if something is missing; and/or
you have a suggestion on how to make it better, you can send feedback through the "Let's Talk" website. This also has information, surveys, and an option to ask a question about SEND provision in Coventry.
How is the Local Offer developed?
The Local Offer should be developed and reviewed regularly with parents and young people. Local Offer events have been held at parent sessions and in schools.
How the Local Offer poster was made
Back in 2018, Our Children and Young People's Worker spent an afternoon with a number of students from Sherbourne Fields school. The students created a range of ideas and a final image was created.