Cov AmbasSENDors
The AmbasSENDors Club
"The AmbasSENDors Club" was set up in 2019, and meets once per month (normally on a Tuesday evening). It is a small group - to a maximum of 10 - of young people aged between 11-16 with a SEN or disability and who attend a mainstream Secondary school. Sessions are held between 5.30pm and 7pm, normally at the Coventry Boys and Girls Club in the city centre, although we have previously had "trips" to Coventry College, Rought Close scouting grounds and bowling.
The club is an opportunity for young people to come together and take part in activities. Some of these are purely fun activities based on communication and teamwork skills, whilst others are specific to topics around SEN. Here's some examples of what the group have been doing over the past few years.